So, I’m 25 and have barely decided to move out of my parents house. The plan was not to move out until I had found a husband and bought a house together. Well, that didn’t happen. Typical met a “man boy” thought we liked eachother enough to move out and so we have. 

It’s felt like a total mistake thus far. Moving out for the first time for me and then on top of that moving out with a boy…. “man boy” is quite the challenge. Not only do I have to share space but also time with another person. It’s no longer just all about me it is now me and another person. I’m not sure he quiet  understands that concept.

I hope things get better. That we don’t constantly fight and continue to hate eachother. My love and quickly been lost for him… It’s very saddening. newho. That’s it. 


With the amount of “affairs” I’ve witnessed. Why can’t people just get up, be the bigger person and leave before anything happens? You’re obviously not happy if you’re ready and willing to go be with someone else. If you love someone shouldn’t you only want them? I mean, I get it we are all human and we find other people attractive.  When I look at a guy I’m not thinking, “Boy, I’d really like to get into bed with that one.” It’s more of a, “Omg let me sit here and look at you and maybe you can say a few words.. hold my hand maybe?”

I’m just really sad and grossed out about how easily people can cheat. All i’m saying is please leave me and then you can have all the girls in the world… You just can’t have me at the same time.. Sorry buddy!

This is really a post about nothing. Just lately I’ve witnessed this type of crap and it’s saddened me. I’ve lost all hope in relationships. People are better off alone making themselves be happy…

Good luck all!

-All Things Jen

p.s. MY BOOK CAME IN! I’M UBBER EXCITED TO START READING “South of the Border West of the Sun” 😀


Can someone please explain to me when it finally ends. Tis all I wonder. If you ask me its never ending. At least from experience.
In other news in about 2 days it’ll be a month since I stopped smoking…..I think. I’m not good w math either. Newho. I suppose I’ve committed to NOT smoking.
I’m convinced I am able to commit to healthy things… So I propose to focus more on myself and attempting to make myself happy. I’m not sure if I ever used to do this. I’ve relied on company and booze.
Not only is this a new hobby but I hope to finally get a book I ordered in the mail and read more. Maybe it’ll improve my horrible grammar. I also hope to find a dance class to enroll in. I need to fill my time with normal positive things.
I hope to drink more water, stop and enjoy nature and smile more…..
Baby steps… Let’s just hope my book finally gets here. FUCK! Good night.

So interesting! Home of the interwebs! 😀

Matt on Not-WordPress, mostly photos

Tim Berners-Lee was originally in the office on the right (with the below sign on it) and then moved to the one on the left with the world’s first web server, at CERN in Switzerland / France (technically on the French side).

There’s no marking or anything on the doors, and they’re just used as normal offices by CERN. The people inside looked confused we were so excited to be there and taking pictures. 🙂

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Party when ya shouldn’t, don’t party when ya should…

As you probably didn’t waste your time reading, I recently graduated from the University of Houston. It took me 6 years. Not only because I had to work and go to school and the plain fact that I hated school but because I couldn’t seem to put down the beer and I couldn’t stay my ass at home.; I felt like I was inebriated for 2 years straight. Newho, I drank almost every day while in college and partied. Not with college people in your typical sorority or frat parties. Just at bars like a normal person. As soon as I graduated that all stopped. I felt like I had to grow up. The things I did a week prior to graduation just didn’t satisfy me anymore. It was no longer entertaining. Maybe it goes with the whole “When you know you can’t have it you want it more” type deal. But in my case it was “I know I shouldn’t do this because I have important stuff to do but it only makes me want to do it even more”. Now that I “have time” to drink and party it no longer is so appealing to me.
I think I probably should’ve been sober while in College. I probably would’ve graduated on time and had a better job by now. Eh… Plus, I got really really sick. Who would’ve though a BEER DIET was not sufficient…
Now I just feel like there’s nothing “cool” about me. NOT that it’s “cool” to drink it was just something I did. Was it my HOBBY? I guess I could say that. This is where “All Things Jen” comes in. I always wanted to be a writer. As you can tell by my poor grammar I quickly learned I wouldn’t be successful at that. So now I’m attempting to make THIS my hobby. It’s healthier and I’m sure my friends are tired of me complaining their ears off so BAM, BLOGGING IT UP NOW! Attempting to be focused on the IMPORTANT things in life. Of course I’m not a complete bore. I’m still trying to hang on to my weekends and attempt to enjoy myself on those days. I want to get involved in other activities that don’t ALWAYS involve drinking though. Or at least.. bars… hmm Let’s see how this pans out! Happy Reading!

Death to those with no money

So after eating a very unhealthy meal and thinking about getting older and being sick, I began to think about death. I thought about how expensive it is to die. If anyone is afraid to die they should be. They should be afraid for the person that will have to pay for their death. As far as funeral arrangements and barriel goes. Why the Hell is it so expensive? Neway I began to think about those people that have no family or the people that have family with no money. What happens to their bodies. I Knw the answer is the state takes care of it. Well, why doesn’t the state always take care of it? Ok because they’d run out of money. I guess it all makes sense but it’s so sad. I’m to the point where I wanna write it in my will and force my family to make my funeral non existant. Make it the most economical. No putting me in some coffin in an outfit that I will probably hate w everyone surrounding my lifeless body. Just get rid of me… For free if at all possible. Eh. My thoughts for the day. Good night all.
-All Things Jen